Wednesday, 2 October 2013

written assignment- as media studies, first project.

in our first assignment we was asked to film a range of different shots. for example: 
  • close up 
  • over the shoulder 
  • high angle 
  • low angle 
  • pan 
  • tilt 
  • rolling 
  • tracking 
these are just a few examples of the  many you could have. we made out shots into a shot film. our film was based around a drug deal. however, due to a lost member of the group the story line ended up a bit confusing. we decided to try our best by killing of her character all together and made it so that that character had died. within our movie we tried to use all the shots although,  not all of them where involved. for example: 
  • rolling cam
  • tracking shot 
  • extrem close up 
  • steady cam
  • long shot
we didn't include these shots because we couldn't think of a effective way to put it into the film. however , we did include a rolling shot but we was unable to find this scene when editing. 
we used different shot to show different things. 
low angle shot- we used this to show power that the criminal escaped for jail. this shows power. this was a successful. 
pan- we used this to show the direction in which a person was walking. this was successful because it showed us where she was going. 
tilt- we used this to get a clear view to show the audience a person in full. this gives the watcher a idea of what type of person they are by the way they look and dress. this was successful because it shows how she does look and the way she dressed described her perosnality. 
medium shot- this was used to show something happening between too people. 
close up- we used this to shows the audience exactly hows speaking at what time. 
high angle- we used this shot to show the status in a person. this was not sucsessful as it was not entirly clear who was in charge of the two. 
medium shot- we used this to show who was talking to who. this gives us an understanding of who's in controll of who and who has  a higher status.
over the shoulder- this was used to show a conversation taking place between to people.
point of view- this was used to show where the person was going and who they was heading for.
i did most of the filming in the movie. i held my shot steady by using the tripod, this made my shot clearer and less shakey. the tripod was useful as shots where clearer. some shot could have been done better as i mistakenly cut people heads off and missed them out of the shot. the high angle shot i believe could have been put in a different place in order to show a clearer understanding of status.
my favourite shot was the tilt. this because i was clear how it was used and why. the film could have made more sense and also we could of used more shots including rolling shot a and close ups. 

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